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南 史朗
Shiro Minami, M.D., Ph.D.
日本医大武蔵小杉病院では20年間にわたって皆様と一緒に健康や病気について考え、実に多くのことを勉強させていただきました。また、日本医大先端医学研究所で新しい医学を切り開くための研究をしてきました。 このような経験を少しでも役だてたいとの思いでいます。これからも皆様と一緒に歩んでゆけるよう、スタッフともどもいつも笑顔でお待ちしています。


Board of Internal Med, Japan
Authorized Endocrinologist, Japan
  • 1954年 広島県呉市で出生 Born in Hiroshima
  • 1981年 日本医科大学卒業 Graduated Nippon Med Sch. Doctor of Medicine
  • 1986年 医学博士 Doctor of philosophy
  • 1989年 ワシントン州立大学生理学ポスドク Post-doctoral Research associate Washington State Univ.
  • 1997年 日本医科大学先端医学研究所 教授 Professor, Institute of Advanced Medical Science, Nippon Med Sch.
  • 1999年 日本医科大学武蔵小杉病院内科 教授兼務
  • 2020年 日本医科大学 名誉教授 Professor Emeritus, Nippon Med Sch.
  • ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。
  • 南 史朗 主要論文・著書100選

    1.若林一二, 南 史朗. 中枢神経とソマトスタチン. 最新医学 40: 926-931, 1985

    2.周東祐仁, 若林一二, 亀谷 純, 杉原 仁, 南 史朗. TSH不適合症候群の1家系. ホルモンと臨床 1: 136-140, 1992

    3.南 史朗. 成長ホルモンの中枢性自己分泌調節機構. 日本医科大学雑誌 65: 409-412, 1998

    4.南 史朗. 成長ホルモンのすべて—GH分泌調節機構「視床下部下垂体系に体するGH/IGF-1の作用と機序」. 内分泌・糖尿病科15 Suppl. 1, p. 84-90, 2002

    5.南 史朗, 中田朋子. タンパク・遺伝子からみた分子病—新しく解明されたメカニズム−「成長ホルモン受容体(GHR)」. 生体の科学56: 428-429, 2005

    6.南 史朗. GH/IGF-Iの分泌調節と経年変化.「成人成長ホルモン分泌不全症の臨床」千原和夫, 寺本明, 藤枝憲二編 メディカルレビュー社, p. 35-47, 2006

    7.南 史朗. 糖尿病緊急症(糖尿病性昏睡および低血糖発作).「内科エマージェンシー:病態生理の理解と診療の基本」救急医学2009年9月臨時増刊号33巻10号, 黒川顕編, へるす出版, p1410-1414, 2009

    8.南 史朗. 下垂体ホルモンの分泌機構‐GH系. 「下垂体腫瘍のすべて」, 寺本 明, 長村義之編, 医学書院, p16-26, 2009

    9.南 史朗, 八木 孝. 下垂体疾患「ACTH単独欠損症」. 診断と治療 100巻7号別冊:1135-1141, 2012

    10.安島弘美、中村 隆、南 史朗. ジャイロセンサを用いた圧脈波センサ開発と食後血糖値測定技術の研究 Development of pressure-pulse-sensor using a gyro sensor for postprandial blood glucose level estimation. 日本機械学会論文集 87 (No. 901) 2021. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1299/transjsme.21-00076

    11.Fujita Y, Harada H, Takeuchi T, Sato H, Minami S. Enhancement of EEG spikes and hyperpolarizations of pyramidal cells in the kindled hippocampus of the rabbit. Japanese J Physiology 33: 227-238, 1983

    12.Fujita Y, Sato H, Takeuchi T, Minami S. Median raphe- and contralateral hippocampus-elicited EEG spikes which correspond to hyperpolarizations of pyramidal cells in the kindled hippocampus of the rabbit. Brain Research 278: 313-317, 1983

    13.Minami S. Stimulation of the raphe nuclei produces EEG spikes in the hippocampus of the normal rabbit. J Nippon Medical School 51: 557-567, 1984

    14.Minami S, Wakabayashi I, Tonegawa Y, Sugihara H, Akira S. Production of antisera to growth hormone-releasing factor: usefulness in radioimmunoassay and passive immunization. Endocrinologica Japonica 32: 907-916, 1985

    15.Wakabayashi I, Hatano H, Minami S, Tonegawa Y, Akira S, Sugihara H, Ling N. Effects of neonatal administration of monosodium glutamate on plasma growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing factor in adult male and female rats. Brain Research 372: 361-365, 1986

    16.Fujita Y, Harada H, Kitamura T, Minami S, Sato T. Dendritic activities of spinal motoneurones in pigs and rabbits enhanced through chronic stimulation of a dorsal root. J Physiology (London) 383: 171-190, 1987

    17.Motoyama A, Wakabayashi I, Minami S, Sugihara H, Takahashi F, Akira S, Ling N. A radioimmunoassay for human pro-luteinizing hormone-releasing factor [pro-LRF(14-69)OH]. Endocrinologica Japonica 34: 133-137, 1987

    18.Akira S, Wakabayashi I, Sugihara H, Minami S, Takahashi F, Motoyama A. Effect of testosterone on growth hormone secretion in female rats during a continuous infusion of growth hormone releasing factor. Neuroendocrinology 47: 116-124, 1988

    19.Sugihara H, Wakabayashi I, Minami S, Takahashi F, Shibasaki T, Ling N. Effect of a-methyl-r-tyrosine and an antiserum to rat growth hormone (GH)-releasing factor (GRF) on plasma GH secretory profile during a continuous infusion of human GRF in rats. Brain Research 475: 128-133, 1988

    20.Sugihara H, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Post-somatostatin rebound secretion of growth hormone is dependent on growth hormone-releasing factor in unrestrained female rats. J Endocrinology 122: 583-591, 1989

    21.Minami S, Wakabayashi I, Sugihara H, Kamegai J, Hasegawa O, Kitamura T, Yamada J. Effect of intermittent infusions of somatostatin on growth hormone secretion in unrestrained male rats with hypothalamic deafferentation. Brain Research 509: 293-298, 1990

    22.Minami S, Frautschy SA, Plotsky PM, Sutton SW, Sarkar DK. Facilitatory role of neuropeptide Y on the onset of puberty: effect of immunoneutralization of neuropeptide Y on the release of luteinizing hormone and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone. Neuroendocrinology 52: 112-115, 1990

    23.Sarkar DK, Minami S. Effect of acute ethanol on beta-endorphin secretion from rat fetal hypothalamic neurons in primary cultures. Life Science 47: 31-36, 1990

    24.Okada K, Wakabayashi I, Sugihara H, Minami S, Kitamura T, Yamada J. Electrical stimulation of hypothalamic periventricular nucleus is followed by a large rebound secretion of growth hormone in unanesthetized rats. Neuroendocrinology 53: 306-312, 1991

    25.Kamegai J, Wakabayashi I, Sugihara H, Minami S, Kitamura T, Yamada J. Growth hormone secretion in stalk-sectioned rats. Acta Endocrinologica (Copenh) 124: 700-706, 1991

    26.Wakabayashi I, Inokuchi K, Hasegawa O, Sugihara H, Minami S. Expression of growth hormone (GH)-releasing factor gene in GH-producing pituitary adenoma. J Clinic Endocrinol Metab 74: 357-361, 1992

    27.Hasegawa O, Sugihara H, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Masculinization of growth hormone (GH) secretory pattern by dihydrotestosterone is associated with augmentation of hypothalamic somatostatin and GH-releasing hormone mRNA levels in ovariectomized adult rats. Peptides 13: 475-481, 1992

    28.Shuto Y, Wakabayashi I, Amuro N, Minami S, Okazaki T. A point mutation in the 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine-binding domain of thyroid hormone receptor-α associated with a family with generalized resistance to thyroid hormone. J Clinic Endocrinol Metab 75: 213-217, 1992

    29.Minami S, Kamegai J, Sugihara H, Hasegawa O, Wakabayashi I. Systemic administration of recombinant human growth hormone induces expression of the c-fos gene in the hypothalamic arcuate and periventricular nuclei in hypophysectomized rats. Endocrinology 131: 247-253, 1992

    30.Sarkar DK, Kim KH, Minami S. Transforming growth factor-β1 messenger RNA and protein expression in the pituitary gland: its action on prolactin secretion and lactotropic growth. Molecular Endocrinology 6: 1825-1833, 1992

    31.Minami S, Sarkar DK. Central administration of neuropeptide Y induces precocious puberty in female rats. Neuroendocrinology 56: 930-934, 1992

    32.Sugihara H, Minami S, Okada K, Kamegai J, Hasegawa O, Wakabayashi I. Somatostatin reduces transcription of the growth hormone gene in rats. Endocrinology 132: 1225-1229, 1993

    33.Kamegai J, Minami S, Sugihara H, Wakabayashi I. Barrel rotation evoked by intracerebroventricular injection of somatostatin and arginine-vasopressin is accompanied by the induction of c-fos gene expression in the granular cells of rat cerebellum. Molecular Brain Research 18: 115-120, 1993

    34.Okada K, Sugihara H, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Effect of parenteral administration of selected nutrients and central injection of γ-globulin from antiserum to neuropeptide Y on growth hormone secretory pattern in food-deprived rats. Neuroendocrinology 57: 678-686, 1993

    35.Minami S, Kamegai J, Hasegawa O, Sugihara H, Okada K, Wakabayashi I. Expression of growth hormone receptor gene in rat hypothalamus. J Neuroendocrinol 5: 691-696, 1993

    36.Hasegawa O, Minami S, Sugihara H, Wakabayashi I. Developmental expression of the growth hormone receptor gene in the rat hypothalamus. Developmental Brain Research 74: 287-290, 1993

    37.Mori T, Inoue S, Egawa M, Takamura Y, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Impaired growth hormone secretion in VMH lesioned rats. International Journal of Obesity 17: 349-353, 1993

    38.Okada K, Suzuki N, Sugihara H, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Restoration of growth hormone secretion in prolonged food-deprived rats depends on the level of nutritional intake and dietary protein. Neuroendocrinology 59: 380-386, 1994

    39.Sawada H, Sugihara H, Onose H, Minami S, Shibasaki T, Wakabayashi I. Effect of D-Ala-D-Nal-Ala-Trp-D-Phe-Lys-NH2 (KP-102) on GH secretion in urethan-anesthetized rats. Regulatory Peptides 53: 195-201, 1994

    40.Kamegai J, Minami S, Sugihara H, Higuchi H, Wakabayashi I. Growth hormone induces expression of the c-fos gene on hypothalamic neuropeptide-Y and somatostatin neurons in hypophysectomized rats. Endocrinology 135: 2765-2771, 1994

    41.Sarkar DK, Minami S. Diurnal variation in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and beta-endorphin release in pituitary portal plasma during the rat estrous cycle. Biology of Reproduction 53: 38-45, 1995

    42.Suzuki N, Okada K, Sugihara H, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Caloric intake stimulates growth hormone secretion in food-deprived rats with anterolateral deafferentation of the medial basal hypothalamus or administered antiserum to somatostatin. J Neuroendocrinol 7: 483-490, 1995

    43.Minami S, Kamegai J, Sugihara H, Suzuki N, Higuchi H, Wakabayashi I. Central glucoprivation evoked by administration of 2-deoxy-D-glucose induces expression of the c-fos gene in a subpopulation of neuropeptide Y neurons in the rat hypothalamus. Molecular Brain Research 33: 305-310, 1995

    44.Okada K, Suzuki N, Sugihara H, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Effects of hyper- and hypoglycemia on blood growth hormone level in free-feeding rats with anterolateral deafferentation of the medial basal hypothalamus. Brain Research 699: 33-41, 1995

    45.Kamegai J, Minami S, Sugihara H, Hasegawa O, Higuchi H, Wakabayashi I. Growth hormone receptor gene is expressed in neuropeptide Y neurons in hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of rats. Endocrinology 137:2100-2112, 1996

    46.Minami S, Sugihara H, Sato J, Tatsukuchi A, Sugisaki Y, Sasano H, Wakabayashi I. ACTH independent Cushing's syndrome occurring in siblings [Case report] . Clinical Endocrinology 44: 483-488, 1996

    47.Kamegai J, Hasegawa O, Minami S, Sugihara H, Wakabayashi I. The growth hormone-releasing peptide KP-102 induces c-fos expression in the arcuate nucleus. Molecular Brain Research 39: 153-159, 1996

    48.Okada K, Ishii S, Minami S, Sugihara H, Shibasaki T, Wakabayashi I. Intracerebroventricular administration of the growth hormone-releasing peptide KP-102 increases food intake in free-feeding rats. Endocrinology 137: 5155-5158, 1996

    49.Suzuki N, Okada K, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Inhibitory effect of neuropeptide Y on growth hormone secretion in rats is mediated by both Y1- and Y2-receptor subtypes and abolished after anterolateral deafferentation of the medial basal hypothalamus. Regulatory Peptides 65: 145-151, 1996

    50.Sugihara H, Emoto N, Shibasaki T, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Increased pituitary growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) receptor messenger ribonucleic acid expression in food-deprived rats. Brain Research 742: 355-358, 1996

    51.Minami S, Suzuki N, Sugihara H, Tamura H, Emoto N, Wakabayashi I. Microinjection of rat GH but not human IGF-I into a defined area of the hypothalamus inhibits endogenous GH secretion in rats. J Endocrinol, 153: 283-290, 1997

    52.Tamura H, Sugihara H, Minami S, Emoto N, Shibasaki T, Shuto Y, Shimizu K, Gomi Y, Sasano H, Wakabayashi I. Cushing's syndrome due to bilateral adrenocortical adenomas with different pathological features [Case report]. Internal Medicine, 36: 804-809, 1997

    53.Minami S, Sarkar DK. Transforming growth factor b-1 inhibits prolactin secretion and lactotropic cell proliferation in the pituitary of estrogen-treated Fischer 344 rats. Neurochem Int 30: 499-506, 1998

    54.Minami S, Kamegai J, Sugihara H, Suzuki N, Wakabayashi I. Growth hormone inhibits its own secretion by acting on the hypothalamus through its receptors on neuropeptide Y neurons in the arcuate nucleus and somatostatin neurons in the periventricular nucleus. Endocrine J 45: S19-S26, 1998

    55.Emoto N, Onose H, Sugihara H, Minami S, Shimizu K, Wakabayashi I. Fibroblast growth factor-2 free form from extracellular matrix is increased in papillary thyroid carcinomas and graves' thyroids. Thyroid 8: 491-497, 1998

    56.Emoto N, Onose H, Yamada H, Minami S, Tushima T, Wakabayashi I. Growth factors increase pericellular proteoglycans independently of their mitogenic effects on A10 rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 30: 47-54, 1998

    57.Minami S, Nakata T, Tokita R, Onodera H, Imaki J. Cellular localization of prolactin-releasing peptide messenger RNA in the rat brain. Neuroscience Lett 266: 73-75, 1999

    58.Tokita R, Nakata T, Katsumata H, Konishi S, Onodera H, Imaki J, Minami S. Prolactin secretion in response to prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) and the expression of the PrRP gene in the medulla oblongata are estrogen dependent in rats. Neurosci Lett 276: 103-106, 1999

    59.Sugihara H, Emoto N, Tamura H, Kamegai J, Shibasaki T, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Effect of insulin-like growth factor-I on growth hormone-releasing factor receptor expression in primary rat anterior pituitary cell culture. Neurosci Lett 276: 87-90, 1999

    60.Yokota T, Nakata T, Minami S, Inazawa J, Emi M. Genomic organization and chromosomal mapping of ELKS, a gene rearranged in a papillary thyroid carcinoma. J Hum Genet 45: 5-11, 2000

    61.Tamura H, Sugihara H, Kamegai J, Minami S, Wakabayashi I. Masculinizing effect of dihydrotestosterone on growth hormone secretion is inhibited in ovariectomized rats with anterolateral deafferentation of the medial basal hypothalamus or in intact female rats. J Neuroendocrinol 12: 369-375, 2000

    62.Chikada N, Imaki T, Harada S, Nakajima K, Yoshimoto T, Naruse M, Demura H, Minami S, Takano K. Distribution of c-fos mRNA in the brain following intracerebroventricular injection of nitric oxide (NO)-releasing compound: possible role of NO in central cardiovascular regulation. J Neuroendocrinol 12: 1112-1123, 2000

    63.Imaki T, Katsumata H, Miyata M, Naruse M, Imaki J, Minami S. Expression of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), urocortin, and CRF type 1 receptors in hypothalamic-hypophyseal systems under osmotic stimulation. J Neuroendocrinol 13: 328-338, 2001

    64.Imaki T, Katsumata H, Miyata M, Naruse M, Imaki J, Minami S. Expression of corticotropin-releasing hormone type 1 receptor in paraventricular nucleus after acute stress. Neuroendocrinology 73: 293-301, 2001

    65.Ogata K, An E, Shioi Y, Nakamura K, Luo S, Yokose N, Minami S, Dan K. Association between natural killer cell activity and infection in immunologically normal elderly people. Clinical and Experimental Immunology 124: 392-397, 2001

    66.Nakata T, Yokota T, Emi M, Minami S. Differential expression of multiple isoforms of the ELKS mRNAs involved in a papillary thyroid carcinoma. Genes, Chromosomes & Cancer 35: 30-37, 2002

    67.Tokita R, Kasagi Y, Nakata T, Sakae K, Imaki T, Minami S. Microinjection of dihydrotestosterone into the medial preoptic area produces male-like pattern of growth hormone secretion in ovariectomized female rats. Neuroendocrinology 75: 384-391, 2002

    68.Konishi S, Kasagi Y, Katsumata H, Minami S, Imaki T. Regulation of corticotropin-releasinga factor (CRF) type-1 receptor gene expression by CRF in the hypothalamus. Endocrine J 50: 21-36, 2003

    69.Imaki T, Katsumata H, Konishi S, Kasagi Y, Minami S. Corticotropin-releasing factor type-1 receptor mRNA is not induced in mouse hypothalamus by either stress or osmotic stimulation. J Neuroenodocrinol 15: 916-924, 2003

    70.Kasagi Y, Tokita R, Nakata T, Imaki T, Minami S. Human growth hormone induces SOCS3 and CIS mRNA increase in the hypothalamic neurons of hypophysectomized rats. Endocrine J 51: 145-154, 2004

    71.Toyoshima Y, Hakuno F, Kato H, Minami S, Takahashi SI. Hepatic insulin signals are enhanced in rats fed on low-protein diets, a model of IGF resistance. Growth Horm IGF Res 18: S23, 2008

    72.Suzuki N, Tsumoto K, Hajicek N, Daigo K, Tokiga R, Minami S, Kodama T, Hamakubo T, Kozasa T. Activation of leukemia-associated RhoGEF by Galpha13 with significant conformational rearraingements in the interface. J Biol Chem 284: 5000-9, 2009

    73.Osaka M, Tokita R, Minami S. Volley-like male GH secretion indicates existence of an intrinsic 1-h oscillator in the hypothalamus. Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences 1, 225-242, 2010

    74.Toyoshima Y, Tokita R, Ohne Y, Hakuno F, Noguchi T, Minami S, Kato H, Takahashi S. Dietary protein deprivation upregulates insulin signaling and inhibits gluconeogenesis in rat liver. J Mol Endocrinol 45: 329-340, 2010

    75.Cha P-C, Mushiroda T, Takahashi A, Kubo M, Minami S, Kamatani N, Nakamura Y. Genome-wide association study identifies genetic determinants of warfarin responsiveness for Japanese. Human Molecular Genetics 19: 4735-4744, 2010

    76.Yamanaka D, Akama T, Fukushima T, Nedachi T, Kawasaki C, Chida K, Minami S, Suzuki K, Hakuno F, Takahashi S. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-binding protein, PITKAP/XB130, is required for cAMP-induced amplification of IGF mitogenic activity in FRTL-5 thyroid cells. Mol Endocrinol 26: 1043-55, Epub, 2012

    77.Fukushima T, Nakamura Y, Yamanaka D, Shibano T, Chida K, Minami S, Asano T, Hakuno F, Takahashi S. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity bound to insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor, which is continuously sustained by IGF-I stimulation, is required for IGF-I-induced cell proliferation. J Biol Chem 287: 29713-21, 2012

    78.Okamoto Y, Ishii So, Croce K, Katsumata H, Fukushima M, Kihara S, Libby P, Minami S. Adiponectin inhibits macrophage tissue factor, a key trigger of thrombosis in disrupted atherosclerotic plaques. Atherosclerosis 226: 373-377, 2013

    79.Ishii S, Okamoto Y, Katsumata H, Minami S. Sunitinib, a small-molecule receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suppresses neointimal hyperplasia in balloon-injured rat carotid artery. J Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics 18: 359-266, 2013

    80.Kaneko M, Hakuno F, Kamei H, Yamanaka D, Chida K, Minami S, Coe IR, Takahashi S. Steroid hormones are novel nucleoside transport inhibitors by competition with nucleosides for their transporters. Biochem Biophys Res Com 443: 505-510, 2014

    81.Toyoshima Y, Tokita R, Taguchi Y, Akiyama-Akanishi N, Takenaka A, Kato H, Chida K, Hakuno F, Minami S, Takahashi S. Tissue-specific effects of protein malnutrition on insulin signaling pathway and lipid accumulation in growing rats. Endocrine J 61: 499-512, 2014

    82.Fukushima M, Okamoto Y, Katsumata H, Ishikawa M, Ishii S, Okamoto M, Minami S. Growth hormone ameliorate adipose dysfunction during oxidative stress and inflammation and improves glucose tolerance in obese mice. Hormone and Metabolic Research 46: 656-662, 2014

    83.Orikasa C, Nagaoka K, Katsumata H, Minami S, Kondo Y, Sakuma Y. Social isolation prompts maternal behavior in sexually naïve male ddN mice. Physiology & Behavior 151: 9-15, 2015

    84.Yamanaka D, Akama T, Chida K, Minami S, Ito K, Hakuno F, Takahashi S. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-associated protein (PI3KAP)/XB130 crosslinks actin filaments through its actin binding and multimerization properties in vitro and enhances endocytosis in HEK293 cells. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 7: Article 89, 2016

    85.Zhou H, Mori S, Ishizaki T, Takahashi A, Matsuda K, Koretsune Y, Minami S, Higashiyama M, Imai S, Yoshimori K, Doita M, Yamada A, Nagayama S, Kaneko K, Asai S, Shiono M, Kubo M, Ito H. Genetic risk score based on the prevalence of vertebral fracture in Japanese women with osteoporosis. Bone Reports 5: 158-172, 2016

    86.Orikasa C, Kondo Y, Katsumata H, Terada M, Akimoto T, Sakuma Y, Minami S. Vomeronasal signal deficiency enhances parental behavior in socially isolated male mice. Physiology & behavior168: 98-102, 2017

    87.Taguchi Y, Toyoshima Y, Tokita R, Kato H, Takahashi S, Minami S. Triglyceride synthesis in hepatocytes isolated from rats fed a low-protein diet is enhanced independently of upregulation of insulin signaling. Biochem Biophys Res Com 490: 800-805, 2017

    88.Minami S, et al. Biobank Japan project: Epidemiological study. Journal of Epidemiology 27-3S: S1-S106, 2017

    89.Mushiroda T, Minami S, Kubo M, et al. Association of HLA-A*31:01 screening with the incidence of carbamazepine-induced cutaneous adverse reactions in a Japanese population. JAMA Nuerology 75(7): 842-849, 2018

    90.Yano H, Sakai M, Yagi T, Naganuma T, Matsukawa T, Mitsushima M, Iida S, Inaba Y, Inoue H, Unoki-Kubota H, Kaburagi Y, Asahara S, Kido Y, Minami S, Kasuga M, Matsumoto M. PHD3 regulates glucose metabolism by suppressing stress-induced signaling and optimizing gluconeogenesis and insulin signaling in hepatocytes. Scientific Reports 8: 14290, 2018

    91.Yagi T, Toyoshima Y, Tokita R, Taguchi Y, Okamoto Y, Takahashi S, Kato H, Mianmi S. Low-protein diet enhances adiponectin secretion in rats. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 83: 1774-1781, 2019

    92.Nakata T, Hirano Y, Katsumata H, Tokita R, Yagi T, Toyoshima Y, Minami S. Growth hormone activates X-box binding protein 1 in a sexually dimorphic manner through the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β pathway in rat liver. Endocrine J 67: 185-200, 2020

    93.Toyoshima Y, Yoshizawa F, Tokita R, Taguchi Y, Takahashi S, Kato H, Minami S. A translation repressor, 4E-BP1, regulates the triglyceride level in rat liver during protein deprivation. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 318: E636-E645, 2020

    94.Nakata T, Toyoshima Y, Yagi T, Katsumata H, Tokita R, Minami S. Growth hormone increases regulator of calcineurin 1-4 (Rcan 1-4) mRNA through c-JUN in rat liver. PLOS One: Published: June 26, 2020: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235270

    95.Ishigaki K, Minami S, Kamatani Y et al. Large-scale genome-wide association study in a Japanese population identifies novel susceptibility loci across different diseases. Nature Genetics 52: 669–679, 2020

    96.Toyoshima Y, Nakamura K, Tokita R, Teramoto N, Sugihara H, Kato H, Yamanouchi K, and Minami S. Disruption of insulin receptor substrate-2 impairs growth but not insulin function in rats. J Biol Chem 295(33):11914-11927, 2020

    97.Orikasa C, Kato Y, Katsumata H, Inutsuka A, Yamanaka A, Onaka T, Minami S. Involvement of MCH-oxytocin neural relay within the hypothalamus in murine nursing behavior. Scientific Reports 11: 3348, 2021

    98.Sakaue S, Minami S, Okada Y, et al. A cross-population atlas of genetic associations for 220 human phenotypes. Nature Genetics 53: 1415-1424, 2021

    99.Namkoong H, Yagi T, Minami S, et al. DOCK2 is involved in the host genetics and biology of severe COVID-19. Nature 609: 754-760, 2022

    100.Matsukawa T, Yagi T, Minami S, et al. Hepatic FASN deficiency differentially affects nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes in mouse obesity models. J Clin Invest 2023: https://insight.jci.org/articles/view/161282
  • ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。


水曜日午前 第二診察室 

石原 嗣郎
Shiro Ishihara, M.D., Ph.D.

日本不整脈学会 専門医(ICD/CRT)
  • 沖縄県で出生
  • 2001年 琉球大学医学部卒業
  • 2005年 新日鐵八幡記念病院 循環器科・救急・集中治療部
  • 2013年 フランス国立医学研究所(パリ)Institut National, de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Paris, France
  • 2014年 日本医大武蔵小杉病院循環器内科
  • 2022年 新潟大学医歯学総合病院循環器内科
  • 2023年 埼玉医大総合医療センター心臓内科
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  • 石原 嗣郎 論文・著書

    1.S Kagiyama, T Koga, S Kaseda, S Ishihara, N Kawazoe, S Sadoshima. Transient precordial ST elevation by a spasm of the conus artery during right coronary angiography. Int J Cardiol. 2007; 116: e57-e59.

    2.Kagiyama S, Koga T, Kaseda S,Ishihara S, Kawazoe N, Sadoshima S, Matsumura K, Takata Y, Tsuchihashi T, Iida M. Correlation between increased urinary sodium excretion and decreased left ventricular diastolic function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Clin Cardiol. 2009 Oct; 32(10): 569-74.

    3.石原嗣郎、古賀徳之、矢成亮介、的野る美、加世田繁、村上昇、藤島慎一郎、川副信行、佐渡島省三:好酸球増多症性心筋炎に巨大冠動脈血栓閉塞を来たした急性心筋梗塞症例.心臓41 suppl.3 2009

    4.石原嗣郎,古賀徳之,加世田繁,村上昇,藤島慎一郎,川副信行,佐渡島省三:凝固能亢進が原因と考えられたbare metal stentに発症したlate thrombosisの1例.心臓42 suppl.2 2010

    5.石原嗣郎,古賀徳之,入田英二,芳賀祥江,加世田繁,藤島慎一郎,石束隆男:高血圧患者におけるアリスキレン長期投与の中心血圧および血中アルドステロンに対する効果.血圧18 no.9 2011

    6.Shiro Ishihara, Tokushi Koga, Shigeru Kaseda, Eiji Nyuta, Yoshie Haga, Shinichiro Fujishima, Takao Ishitsuka, Seizo Sadoshima. Effects of intravenous nicorandil on the mid-term prognosis of patients with acute heart failure syndrome. Circ J 2012; 76: 1169-1176.

    7.Fujishima S, Murakami N, Haga Y, Nyuta E, Nakate Y,Ishihara S, Kaseda S, Koga T, Ishitsuka T. Low diastolic blood pressure was one of the independent predictors of ischemia-like findings of electrocardiogram in patients who underwent coronary angiography. J Cardiol. 2013 Oct; 62(4): 230-5.

    8.Ravi Shah, Shiro Ishihara, et al. For the GREAT Network. Body mass index and mortality in acutely decompensated heart failure across the world: A global obesity paradox. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014 Mar 4; 63(8): 778-85.

    9.Vodovar N, Séronde MF, Laribi S, Gayat E, Lassus J, Boukef R, Nouira S, Manivet P, Samuel JL, Logeart D, Ishihara S, Cohen Solal A, Januzzi JL Jr, Richards AM, Launay JM, Mebazaa A; on behalf of the GREAT Network. Post-translational modifications enhance NT-proBNP and BNP production in acute decompensated heart failure. Eur Heart J.2014 Dec 21; 35(48): 3434-41.

    10.A Cohen-Solal, S Laribi, S Ishihara, G Vergaro, M Baudet, D Logeart, A Mebazaa, E Gayat, N Vodovar, DA Pascual-Figal, M-F Seronde. Prognostic markers of acute decompensated heart failure: the emerging roles of cardiac biomarkers and prognostic Arch Cardiovasc Dis.2015 Jan; 108(1): 64-74.

    11.Teixeira A, Parenica J, Park JJ,Ishihara S, AlHabib KF, Laribi S, Maggioni A, Miró Ò, Sato N, Kajimoto K, Cohen-Solal A, Fairman E,Lassus J, Mueller C, Peacock WF, Januzzi JL Jr, Choi DJ, Plaisance P , Spinar J, Mebazaa A, Gayat E; GREAT (Global Research on Acute Conditions Team) Network. Clinical presentation and outcome by age categories in acute heart failure: results from an international observational cohort. Eur J Heart Fail. 2015 Sep 30. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.330.

    12.E Ganovska, M Arrigo, K Helanova, S Littnerova, M Sadoune, P Kubena, S Ishihara, et al. on behalf of the GREAT Network. Natriuretic peptides in addition to Zwolle score to enhance safe and early discharge after acute myocardial infarction: A prospective observational cohort study. Int J Cardiol. 2016; 215: 527-531

    13.Ishihara S, Gayat E, Sato N, Arrigo M, Laribi S, Legrand M, Placido R, Manivet P, Cohen-Solal A, Abraham WT, Jessup M, Mebazaa A. Similar hemodynamic decongestion with vasodilators and inotropes: systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of 35 studies on acute heart failure. Clin Res Cardiol. 2016 Jun 17.

    14.Arrigo M, Gayat E, Parenica J, Ishihara S, Zhang J, Choi DJ, Park JJ, Alhabib KF, Sato N, Miro O, Maggioni AP, Zhang Y, Spinar J, Cohen-Solal A, Iwashyna TJ, Mebazaa A; GREAT Network. Precipitating factors and 90-day outcome of acute heart failure: a report from the intercontinental GREAT registry. Eur J Heart Fail. 2016 Oct 28. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.682.

    15.Javed Butler, Shiro Ishihara, et al. Reassessing Phase II Heart Failure Clinical Trials: Consensus Recommendations. Circ Heart Fail. 2017; Apr;10(4). pii: e003800. doi:10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.116.003800.

    16.Gayat E, Arrigo M, Littnerova S, Sato N, Parenica J, Ishihara S, Spinar J, Müller C, Harjola VP, Lassus J, Miró Ò, Maggioni AP, AlHabib KF, Choi DJ, Park JJ, Zhang Y, Zhang J, Januzzi JL Jr, Kajimoto K, Cohen-Solal A, Mebazaa A; GREAT Network. Heart failure oral therapies at discharge are associated with better outcome in acute heart failure: a propensity-score matched study. Eur J Heart Fail.2017 Aug 28. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.932.

    17.Takagi K, Sato N, Ishihara S, Sone M, Tokuyama H, Nakama K, Omote T, Kikuchi A, Ishikawa M, Amitani K, Takahashi N, Maruyama Y, Imura H, Shimizu W. Effects of tolvaptan on urine output in hospitalized heart failure patients with hypoalbuminemia or proteinuria. Heart Vessels. 2017 Oct 23. doi: 10.1007/s00380-017-1066-4.

    18.Legrand M, Ishihara S, et al. GREAT (Global Research on Acute Conditions Team) Network and INI-CRCT (Investigation Network Initiative-Cardiovascular and Renal Clinical Trialists) network. Association between hypo- and hyperkalemia and outcome in acute heart failure patients: the role of medications. Clin Res Cardiol. 2017 Oct 28. doi: 10.1007/s00392-017-1173-3.

    19.Akiyama E, Van Aelst LNL, Arrigo M, Lassus J, Miró Ò, Čelutkienė J, Choi DJ, Cohen-Solal A, IshiharaS, Kajimoto K, Laribi S, Maggioni AP, Motiejunaite J, Mueller C, Parenica J, Park JJ, Sato N, Spinar J, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Kimura K, Tamura K, Gayat E, Mebazaa A; GREAT (Global Research on Acute Conditions Team) Network. East Asia may have a better 1-year survival following an acute heart failure episode compared with Europe: results from an international observational cohort. Eur J Heart Fail. 2018 Jun;20(6): 1071-1075.

    20.Arrigo M, IshiharaS, Feliot E, Rudiger A, Deye N, Cariou A, Guidet B, Jaber S, Leone M, Resche-Rigon M, Vieillard Baron A, Legrand M, Gayat E, Mebazaa A. New-onset atrial fibrillation in critically ill patients and its association with mortality: A report from the FROG-ICU study. Int J Cardiol. 2018 Sep 1; 266:95-99.

    21.HD Dungen, Shiro Ishihara, et al. A new educational program in heart failure drug development: the Brescia international master program. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown).2018 Aug; 19(8): 411-421.

    22.T Javanainen, S Ishihara, E Gayat, B Charbit, R Jurkko, R Cinotti, A Mebazaa, and on behalf of the FROG-ICU investigators. Prolonged corrected QT interval is associated with short-term and long-term mortality in critically ill patients: results from the FROG-ICU study. Intensive Care Med.2019 May; 45(5): 746-748.

    23.Matthieu Legrand, Shiro Ishihara, et al. One-Year Prognosis of Kidney Injury at Discharge From the ICU: A Multicenter Observational Study. Crit Care Med.2019 Dec; 47(12): e953-e961.

    24.Hiroyuki Tsutsui, Shiro Ishihara, et al. On behalf of the Japanese Circulation Society and the Japanese Heart Failure Society Joint Working Group. JCS 2017/JHFS 2017 Guideline on Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure -Digest Version-. Circ J.2019 Sep 25;83(10): 2084-2184.

    25.K Takagi, S Ishihara, N Kenji, H Iha, N Kobayashi, Y Ito, T Nohara, S Ohkuma, T Mitsuishi, A Ishizuka, S Shigihara, M Sone, H Tokuyama, T Omote, A Kikuchi, S Nakamura, E Yamamoto, M Ishikawa, W Shimizu. Clinical significance of arterial stiffness as a factor for hospitalization of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction: a retrospective matched case-control study. J Cardiol. 2020 Aug;76(2): 171-176.

    26.Takagi K, Sato N, Ishihara S, Iha H, Kobayashi N, Ito Y, Nohara T, Ohkuma S, Mitsuishi T, Ishizuka A, Shigihara S, Sone M, Nakama K, Tokuyama H, Omote T, Kikuchi A, Nakamura S, Yamamoto E, Ishikawa M, Amitani K, Takahashi N, Maruyama Y, Imura H, Shimizu W. Differences in pharmacological property between combined therapy of the vasopressin V2-receptor antagonist tolvaptan plus furosemide and monotherapy of furosemide in patients with hospitalized heart failure. J Cardiol. 2020 Nov;76(5): 499-505.

    27.A Kimmoun, K Takagi, E Gall, S Ishihara, P Hammoum, NE Bèze, A Bourgeois, G Chassard, H Pegorer-Sfes, E Gayat, AC. Solal, A Hollinger, T Merkling, A Mebazaa, METAHF Team. Temporal trends in mortality and readmission after acute heart failure: a systematic review and meta-regression in the past four decades. Eur J Heart Fail. 2021 Mar; 23(3): 420-431.

    28.Lang, S Ishihara, et al. Haemodynamic effects of the nitroxyl donor cimlanod (BMS-986231) in chronic heart failure: a randomized trial. Eur J Heart Fail.2021 Jul;23(7): 1147-1155.

    29.M Correale, S Ishihara, et a Paradigm shift in heart failure treatment: are cardiologists ready to use gliflozins? Heart Fail Rev. 2021 Jun 7. doi: 10.1007/s10741-021-10107-8.

    30.N Itoh, M Maruyama, I Tsuboi, T Nohara, S Ishihara, W Shimizu. Arrhythmogenic Triggers of Atrial Fibrillation Arising from the common trunk of the inferior pulmonary veins. Circ Rep 2022; 4: 147-148.

    31.M Maruyama, H Yamabe, S Takatsuki, Y Seki, S Uetake, T Nohara, I Tsuboi, S Ishihara, Y Miyauchi, W Shimizu. Last Entrainment Sequence: A Novel Diagnostic Technique for Atrial Tachycardia Mimicking Other Supraventricular Tachycardias. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2022 Oct; 8(10): 1289-1300.

    32.M Watanabe, T Kashimura, M Ishizuka, M Kase, R Sakai, S Fujiki, T Takayama, S Ishihara, K Ozaki and T Inomata. Baseline Blood Pressure and Left Ventricular Reverse Remodeling in Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Spontaneous Mechanical Alterans. Intern Med 2022; 9: doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.0711-22.

    33.Ishihara S, Maruyama M, Nohara T, Shimizu W, Asai K. Atrial fibrillatory wave amplitude revisited: A predictor of recurrence after catheter ablation independent of the degree of left atrial structural remodeling. Cardiol J 2023 Jan 2. doi: 10.5603/CJ.a 0120.

    34.A Asakage, S Ishihara, L Boutin, F Dépret, T Sugaya, N Sato, E Gayat, A Mebazaa, B Deniau. Predictive Performance of Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin, Liver Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein, and Cystatin C for Acute Kidney Injury and Mortality in Severely Ill Patients. Ann Lab Med. 2023 Sep 26. doi: 10.3343/alm.2023.0083.
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金曜日午前 第二診察室(第2金曜日を除く) 

木村 洸稀
  • 1993年 愛媛県松山市で出生
  • 2020年 日本医科大学卒業
  • 2022年 日本医科大学付属病院 糖尿病・内分泌代謝内科
  • 2023年 金地病院 甲状腺内科
  • 現在  日本医科大学武蔵小杉病院 内分泌・糖尿病・動脈硬化内科
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09:00 - 12:30
14:00 - 17:00
17:00 - 20:00
13:00 - 18:30
休業日 日曜日 / 祝日 / 学会期間 (不定休あり)
